AWS Lake Formation

AWS Lake Formation

Senthil Nayagan
Senthil Nayagan           

AWS Lake Formation
Table of contents

What is AWS Lake Formation?

AWS Lake Formation is a fully managed service that makes it easy to build, secure, and manage data lakes. To put it simply, it’s a secured data lake. Many of the complex manual steps that are usually required for creating data lakes are made simpler and automated by lake formation. These steps include gathering, cleansing, transferring, and cataloging data as well as securely making that data available for analytics and machine learning.

Lake Formation has its own permissions model that works along with with the IAM permissions model. This permissions model is defined centrally, which enables fine-grained access to data stored in data lakes through a simple grant or revoke mechanism, much like an RDMS. Lake Formation permissions are enforced using granular controls at the column, row, and cell levels across AWS analytics and machine learning services, including Amazon Athena, Amazon QuickSight, and Amazon Redshift.

Lake Formation vs. Data Lake: A data lake is a centralized data repository that holds all of our data, both structured and unstructured, of any size. Lake Formation, on the other hand, is a fully managed, secure data lake.

How does Lake Formation work?

Having said that above, the fully managed AWS Lake Formation service allows us to build a secure data lake in a matter of days with minimal effort and time. We first need to identify existing data stores in Amazon S3 or relational and NoSQL databases and move them into our data lake. Following that, crawl, catalog, and get the data ready for analytics. Lastly, provide our consumers with safe self-service access to the data using the analytics services of their choice.

Having said that, at a high level, the three tasks outlined below should be carried out:

  • Data ingestion and management
  • Security management
  • Data Sharing

Data ingestion and management

Data ingestion

Once we identify the locations of our existing databases (whether they are on AWS or in external data sources) and give access credentials, Lake Formation reads the data and its metadata (schema) to understand the information contained in the data source. The data is subsequently imported into our new data lake, and the metadata is stored in a central catalog. Typically, the data that is being ingested from multiple data sources ends up in S3 buckets of our choice. Note that both bulk and incremental data ingestions are supported.

Figure 1: Data Flow  
Figure 1: Data Flow.

Catalog and label our data

We can use AWS Glue crawlers to read our data in Amazon S3, extract table definitions, and store them in a searchable AWS Glue Data Catalog. After that, make use of Lake Formation tag-based access control (TBAC) to manage permissions on databases, tables, and columns.

AWS Glue Crawler: A AWS Glue Crawler examines our data store, extracts metadata (which contains the format, database and table schema, and associated properties of the data), and stores it in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Security management

Define and manage access controls

Lake Formation provides a single place (centrally) to manage access controls for data in our data lake. We can define security policies that restrict access to data at the database, table, column, row, and cell levels. These policies apply to IAM users and roles, as well as to users and groups that are federated through an external identity provider.

We can use fine-grained controls to access data protected by the Lake Formation within:

  • Amazon Redshift Spectrum
  • Athena
  • AWS Glue ETL
  • Amazon EMR for Apache Spark

Audit logs

Lake Formation provides extensive audit logs with CloudTrail to monitor access and demonstrate compliance with centrally defined policies. We can audit the data access history in our data lake via Lake Formation. This enables us to identify which users or roles have tried to access which data, via which services, at what time. We can access audit logs in the same way we access any other CloudTrail logs using the CloudTrail APIs and console.

Row and cell-level security

Data filters offered by Lake Formation enable us to restrict access to a set of columns and rows. Use row and cell-level security to safeguard sensitive data, such as personally Identifiable Information (PII).

We can create the following levels of data security using Lake Formation’s data filtering capabilities:

Column-level security

Column-level security allows users to view only specific columns that they have access to in the table.

Row-level security

Row-level security allows users to view only specific rows of data that they have access to in the table.

Cell-level security

Cell-level security combines row filtering and column filtering for a highly flexible permissions model. If we think of the rows and columns of a table as a grid, we can restrict access to individual elements (cells) of the grid anywhere in the two dimensions by using cell-level security.

Tag-based access control (TBAC)

Use Lake Formation tag based access control to manage hundreds or even thousands data permissions by creating custom labels called LF-tags. We can define LF-tags and attach them to databases, tables, or columns. Then, share controlled access across analytic, ML, and ETL services for consumption. LF-tags ensure that data governance can be scaled easily by replacing the policy definitions of thousands of resources with a few logical tags. Users can easily find the information they need for analysis by using the text-based search function that Lake Formation offers over this metadata.

Cross account access

Lake Formation permission management capabilities make it easier to secure and manage distributed data lakes across different AWS accounts through centralized, fine-grained control over the Data Catalog and Amazon S3 locations.

Data sharing

The data sharing capability enables us to set up permissions on datasets stored in different data sources, such as Amazon Redshift, without migrating data or metadata into Amazon S3 or AWS Glue Data Catalog.

Users, roles and permissions

Users and roles

The following lists the roles that are used in the AWS Lake Formation:

  • IAM administrator - A user who can create AWS IAM users and roles and Amazon S3 buckets. Has the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy.
  • Data lake administrator - A user who can access the Data Catalog, create databases, and grant permissions to other users for the Lake Formation. Has fewer IAM permissions than the IAM administrator, but sufficient permissions to manage the data lake.
  • Data analyst - A user who can run queries against the data lake. Has only enough permissions to run queries.
  • Workflow role - A role with the required IAM policies to run a workflow.


There are two main types of permissions in AWS Lake Formation:

  • Metadata access - Permissions on Data Catalog resources (Data Catalog permissions). These permissions enable principals to create, read, update, and delete metadata databases and tables in the Data Catalog.
  • Underlying data access - Permissions on locations in Amazon S3 (data access permissions and data location permissions). Data lake permissions enable principals to read and write data to underlying Amazon S3 locations. Data location permissions enable principals to create and alter metadata databases and tables that point to specific Amazon S3 locations.

For both areas, Lake Formation uses a combination of:

  • Lake Formation permissions
  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions.

The IAM permissions model consists of IAM policies. The Lake Formation permissions model is implemented as DBMS-style GRANT/REVOKE commands, such as Grant SELECT on tableName to userName.

When a principal makes a request to access Data Catalog resources or underlying data, the request must pass both IAM and Lake Formation permission checks for the request to succeed.

Lake Formation permissions control access to Data Catalog resources, Amazon S3 locations, and the underlying data at those locations. IAM permissions control access to the Lake Formation and AWS Glue APIs and resources. So although we might have the Lake Formation permission to create a metadata table in the Data Catalog (CREATE_TABLE), our operation fails if we don’t have the IAM permission on the glue:CreateTable API.

TODO: Data Catalog access is governed by Lake Formation. When an IAM role or user makes an API call to the Data Catalog from any system, the Data Catalog verifies the role or user’s data permissions and returns only the metadata for which the user or role has access. For instance, if an IAM role has access to only one table within a database and a service or user assuming the role performs the GetTables operation, the response will only contain the one table, regardless of the number of tables within the database.

Default permissions

AWS Lake Formation, by default, sets permissions to all databases and tables to a virtual group named IAMAllowedPrincipals. This group is exclusive to Lake Formation and visible only within Lake Formation. The IAMAllowedPrincipals group includes all IAM principals who have access to Data Catalog resources through IAM principal policies and AWS Glue resource policies. If this permissions exists on a database or table, all principals will be granted access to the database or table.

If we want to provide more granular permissions on a database or table, remove the IAMAllowedPrincipals permission and Lake Formation will apply all other policies associated with that database or table. For instance, if a policy grants user user1 access to database db1 with DESCRIBE permissions and the IAMAllowedPrincipals exists with all permissions, user user1 will continue to perform all other actions until the IAMAllowedPrincipals permission is revoked. Additionally, by default, the IAMAllowedPrincipals group has permissions on all newly created databases and tables. There are two configurations that control this behaviour. The first is at the account and Region-level that enables this for newly created databases, and the second is at the database level.

Granting permissions

Data lake administrators can grant Data Catalog permissions to principals, allowing them to create and manage databases and tables as well as access underlying data.

Database and table-level permissions

When granting permissions in Lake Formation, the grantor must specify:

  • the principal to grant permissions to
  • the resources to grant permissions on
  • the actions the grantee (recipient) can carry out

We can grant AWS Lake Formation permissions using two methods:

  • Named resource method - Allows us to choose database and table names while granting permissions to users.
  • LF-Tag based access control (LF-TBAC) (Recommended)

When we grant permissions to a principal, Lake Formation evaluates those permissions as the union of all policies for that user. For example, if we have two policies on a table for a certain principal, and one policy grants permissions to the columns col1, col2, and col3 via the named resource method, and the other policy grants permissions to the same table and principal to col5, and col6 via LF-Tags, the effective permissions will be the union of the permissions, which would be col1, col2, col3, col5, and col6.

How it works

In Lake Formation, we can implement permissions on two levels:

  • Metadata layer: Applying metadata-level restrictions to databases and tables that are part of the Data Catalog.
  • Storage layer: Managing storage access permissions on the underlying data stored in Amazon S3 on behalf of integrated analytical engines such as Amazon Athena, AWS Glue, Amazon EMR, or Amazon Redshift Spectrum.
Data location permissions

Data location permissions allow non-administrative users to create databases and tables in particular Amazon S3 locations. The creation task fails if a user attempts to create a database or table in a location for which they do not have permissions. This prevents users from creating tables in any location within the data lake and restricts where users can read and write data.

Create table and database permissions

By default, non-administrative users are not allowed to create databases or tables. Database creation is controlled at the account-level using the Lake Formation settings so that only authorized principals can create databases. To create a table, a principal must have CREATE_TABLE permission on the database where the table is being created.

Implicit and explicit permissions

Lake Formation provides implicit permissions depending on the principal and the actions that the principal performs. For example, data lake administrators automatically get:

  • DESCRIBE permissions to all resources within the Data Catalog
  • Data location permissions to all locations
  • Permissions to create databases and tables in all locations
  • Grant and Revoke permissions on any resource
Grantable permissions

Data lake administrators have the ability to delegate the management of permissions to non administrative users by providing grantable permissions. When a principal is granted grantable permissions and a set of permissions for a resource, that principal gains the ability to grant permissions to other principals for that resource.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is credential vending?

The term “vending” literally refers to earning income by selling goods. Lake Formation allows third-party services to integrate with Lake Formation by using credential vending API operations. Credential vending, or token vending is a common pattern that provides temporary credentials to users, services, or some other entity for the purposes of granting short term access to a resource.

What is a data catalog?

In general, the Data catalog is a persistent repository for storing metadata. A data catalog in AWS is referred to as AWS Glue Data Catalog or simply Data Catalog, and it is a managed service that enables us to store, annotate, and share metadata in the AWS Cloud. It provides a centralized repository where disparate systems, such as any data store, etc., can store and find metadata to locate Underlying data in data silos and then use that metadata to query and transform the data.

AWS Lake Formation uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog to store and retrieve metadata about data lakes. Lake Formation provides a hierarchy of permissions to control access in the AWS Glue Data Catalog.

What are Data Catalog resources?

The databases, tables, and columns in the Data Catalog are referred to as Data Catalog resources.

How many Data catalogs can exist per AWS region and per AWS account?

Each AWS account has one Data Catalog per AWS Region.

What is Principal in AWS?

A principal is an AWS IAM user or role or an Active Directory user.

Who is the Data Lake administrator?

A data lake administrator is a principal who can grant any permission on any Data Catalog resource or data location to any other principal (including self). Data lake administrator can then grant more granular permissions of resources to other principals. Note that IAM administrative users—users with the AdministratorAccess AWS managed policy—are not automatically data lake administrators.

What is Blueprint in Lake Formation?

A blueprint is a data management template that enables us to easily ingest data into a data lake. Lake Formation provides several blueprints, each for a predefined source type, such as a relational database or AWS CloudTrail logs. From a blueprint, we can create a workflow.

What is a workflow?

A workflow is a container consisting of AWS Glue crawlers, jobs, and triggers that are generated to orchestrate the loading and updating of data. Lake Formation can track the status of a workflow as a single entity.

Blueprints use the data source, the data target, and the schedule to configure the workflow. In other words, when we define a workflow, we select the blueprint upon which it is based. We can then run workflows on demand or on a schedule. Workflows that we create in Lake Formation are visible in the AWS Glue console as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Each DAG node is a job, crawler, or trigger. Using the DAG, we can track the progress of the workflow and perform troubleshooting.

The user who executed a Lake Formation workflow is given the Lake Formation SELECT permission on the Data Catalog tables that the workflow creates after it has finished.

What is tag-based access control in the AWS Lake Formation, and what’s the need for it?

As the number of tables and users increase, data stewards and administrators are looking for ways to manage permissions on data lakes easily at scale. Customers are struggling with “role explosion” and need to manage hundreds or even thousands of user permissions to control data access. For example, for an account with 500 resources and 50 principals, the data steward would have to create and manage up to 2500 policy statements. As new principals and resources get added or deleted, these policies must be updated to keep the permissions current.

Lake Formation tag-based access control (TBAC) solves this problem by allowing data stewards or data administrators to create LF-tags (based on their business needs) that are attached to resources. Rather than specifying policies on named resources, policies can be created on a smaller number of logical tags. In other waords, we can create and manage policies with tens of logical tags instead of the thousands of resources. LF-tags enable us to categorize and explore data based on taxonomies, which reduces policy complexity and scales permissions management.

Note: Taxonomy, in this context, is a data taxonomy is a way of organizing and classifying data. It involves creating a hierarchy of categories and subcategories that can be used to classify and organize data consistently and logically, allowing datasets to be understood quickly regardless of who is viewing them.

Lake Formation TBAC decouples policy creation from resource creation, allowing data administrators to manage permissions on many databases, tables, and columns without having to update policies every time a new resource is added to the data lake. TBAC allows us to create policies even before the resources come into existence. We can now define LF-tags, associate them at the database, table, or column level, and share controlled access across analytic, machine learning (ML), and ETL services for consumer consumption.

LF-TBAC works with IAM’s attribute-based access control (ABAC) to provide fine-grained access to our data lake resources and data. LF-TBAC is the recommended method for granting Lake Formation permissions when the Data Catalog contains a significant number of resources.

IAM tags vs. LF-tags: IAM tags are not the same as LF-tags. These tags are not interchangeable. LF-tags are used to grant Lake Formation permissions and IAM tags are used to define IAM policies.

What values can be assigned to LF-tags?

Each LF-tag is a key-value pair, such as department=marketting or classification=restricted. A key can have multiple defined values, such as department=sales,marketing,engineering,finance.

  • Tags can be up to 128 characters.
  • Values can be up to 256 characters.
  • Up to 15 values per tag.
  • Up to 50 LF-tags per resource.

Examples: Key=Confidentiality | Values=private, sensitive, public Key=Project | Values=project1, project2

Refer to this link for more informatoion on LF-tags.

Why is it necessary to upgrade AWS Glue data permissions to the AWS Lake Formation model?

AWS Lake Formation permissions enable fine-grained access control for data in our data lake.

To maintain backward compatibility with AWS Glue, by default, AWS Lake Formation grants the Super permission to the IAMAllowedPrincipals group on all existing AWS Glue Data Catalog resources, and grants the Super permission on new Data Catalog resources if the Use only IAM access control settings are enabled. As a result of this, only AWS IAM policies are really able to control access to Data Catalog resources and Amazon S3 locations.

All IAM users and roles with access privileges to our Data Catalog objects are part of the IAMAllowedPrincipals group. The Super permission enables a principal to perform every supported Lake Formation operation (SELECT, CREATE, DELETE, and so on) on the database or table on which it is granted.

By registering the locations of existing Data Catalog resources (e.g. S3 buckets) in Lake Formation, we can start using Lake Formation to govern access to our data.

What are the governed tables in the AWS Lake Formation?

A governed table is a new Amazon S3 table type that supports ACID transactions. It supports time travel as well. Note that the data that governed tables manage is actually stored in our S3 buckets. So we retain control over our data.

The data is stored in open file formats like Parquet, CSV, and JSON. We make it super easy and fast to import and export data from popular table formats like Apache Hudi, Delta Lake, and Apache Iceberg.

Due to the fact that governed tables track all of the possible updates, we can always access a previous version of our data lake. Thus, governed tables support time travel.

Who is designated as the LF-Tag creator?

LF-Tag creator is a non-admin principal who has permissions to create and manage LF-Tags. Data lake administrators can add LF-Tag creators using the Lake Formation console or CLI.

LF-Tag creators have implicit Lake Formation permissions to:

  • Update LF-Tags
  • Delete LF-Tags
  • Assign LF-Tags to resources
  • Grant LF-Tag permissions and LF-Tag value permissions to other principals

Data lake administrators can give non-admin principals the responsibility of generating and changing tag keys and values using LF-Tag creator roles. Data lake administrators can also grant LF-Tag creators grantable Create LF-Tag permissions. Then, the LF-Tag creator can grant the permission to create LF-Tags to other principals.

What are Lake Formation’s acceleration capabilities in order to enhance its performance?

There are two acceleration capabilities offered by Lake Formation to enhance performance:

  • Push-down filters and aggregations
  • Storage optimizer

Push-down filters and aggregations

We already have the read APIs, which enforce row-level security, and they are running filters over our data. In addition, we can push down additional filters that we need when we are running the analytics. We can also push down other aggregations, for example, sums, averages, and variences. In addition to computing the rows that we are allowed to see because of the row-level security parameters, we also apply the additional filters in the aggregations, which reduces the amount of data that comes back.

Storage optimizer

We also have a storage optimizer for governed tables that works in the background and automatically compiles small files into larger ones (aka file compactions) and automatically merges deltas into the large files as well.

What is in-place data consumption in the Lake Formation?

The data mesh allows us to share data from the producer data lakes, rather than copying it to the consumer applications that use it. This reduces the storage bill down. Also, sharing data minimizes discrepencies in the data between the system that produced the data and the system that consumes it.

Note that in-place consumption requires more sophisticated access control mechanisms than those needed to control access to copied data.

Does any data catalog hold any data?

Typically, a data catalog doesn’t hold any data.

Are data domains solely consumers or producers?

Data domains can belong to both producers and consumers. Data domains can be purely producers, like a finance domain that only produces sales and revenue data for consumers, or purely consumers, like a product recommendation service that consumes data from other domains to generate the product recommendations displayed on an ecommerce website.

The Data Catalog also contains resource links, which are links to shared databases and tables in external accounts, and are used for cross-account access to data in the data lake. Each AWS account has one Data Catalog per AWS Region.


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